Blog presentation

Blog presentation
Georges Chevrot
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dilluns, 30 de juny del 2014

Wherever God has placed you (II)

EnglishWherever God has placed you, at home, in your office, in your workshop, in the craftsman bench or in the kitchen  - in the secret darkness of your days - you can glorify God and serve your brothers, living as Christians.

 Allà on Déu us ha posat, en l'interior de la vostra llar, en el vostre despatx, en el vostre taller, en el banc d'artesà o a la cuina - en la secreta obscuritat de les vostres jornades -, podeu glorificar a Déu i servir als vostres germans, vivint així com a cristians.

(Georges Chevrot:  En lo secreto, p.  23, Patmos)

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