Blog presentation

Blog presentation
Georges Chevrot
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dijous, 25 de juliol del 2013


EnglishChristians are not just honest and faithful believers in the divine and human laws. This has been overcome. Baptized, we have been resurrected with Christ and we are already citizens of heaven. Christ has won it for us: all we have to do is not lose it. Before we adhered to Jesus, He Himself has attached us to him as the branch to the vine. It is about never getting separated from Him, instead, we should remain united to him individually, so that the Spirit makes us one Christ, and collectively, united to each other, as members of one body.

  Els cristians no són pas simplement creients honestos i fidels a les lleis divines i humanes. Això ha estat superat. Batejats, hem estat ressuscitats amb Jesucrist, ja sóm ciutadans del Cel. Jesucrist l'ha guanyat per nosaltres: a nosaltres ens toca no perdre'l. Abans d'adherir-nos a Jeuscrist, Ell mateix ens ha unit a la seva persona com la sarment al cep de la vinya. Es tracta de mai desanganxar-nos d'Ell, de romandre individualment units a Ell, a fi que el seu Esperit faci de nosaltres un altre Crist, i també hem de romandre col·lectivament units a Ell, units els uls als altres, com els membres d'un sol cos.

(Georges Chevrot: Le temps de l'Eglise, p.246, Bonne Presse)

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