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Blog presentation
Georges Chevrot
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divendres, 12 de juliol del 2013

Temporary goods

English Temporary goods, those that are necessary to our physical life, but especially those that enrich our specifically human life, have, already now, a value of eternity.

Earth is not the enemy of Heaven, in fact, in the divine plan, this land directs us there!

  Els bens temporals, aquells que son necessaris a la nostra vida física, i sobretot aquells que enriqueixen la nostra vida específicament humana, posseeixen, des d'ara, un valor d'eternitat.

La terra no és enemiga del Cel: en el pla diví, ens hi encamina!

(Georges Chevrot: Le temps de l'Eglise, p.159, Bonne Pressw)

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